Saturday, October 22, 2011

a blog to blog, finally.

hellos are overrated and corny, i feel. i've done too many and am a tad bit tired of introducing myself. let's keep it simple!

i'm a girl with a camera and a passion to capture the world around her. i am a student at a very nice university located in lushy green lumps. i study dietetics because i like food and health, and the two combined are very interesting for my forever-thinking noggin. because of my silly little forever-thinking noggin, i have undergone quite a bit of crazy life events. just kidding! my forever-thinking noggin is not little, and "crazy" is an understating adjective for my life events. these more than crazy life events have lead me to my discovery of my own gluten intolerance that have lead me to the reason why i love nutrition. even though i am consumed with learning biological terminology and nutritional facts and statistics, i love photography and get excited to share the things how i see them. as cliche as it is, i find beauty in everything.

i think beautiful is beautiful and gross is beautiful.

i enjoy thinking my perspective is unique, i hope i am able to inspire you to stand on your head to see things differently.

my name is known by too many, i feel sometimes. it has to do with that little phenomenon, or epidemic - if you will - called social networking. at first, i was excited to get my name out there, but sometimes i feel like  people expect too much when they know who you are and what you're capable it sad to say i've stressed myself out with trying to live up to my own expectations? all my blogs, such as my flickr and my tumblr, have been ways for me to express myself - but with limits. 
sometimes, i just want to do photography. photography my way. photography whenever i want. photography how i please. photography how i love. and i do love it. so, i don't want to discuss the work i've done or the things i hope to accomplish with this blog. i just want to do it and love it. i want to tell my story now, without

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